DKB with a focus on retail and corporate customers

With total assets of EUR 131.4 billion (as of 31 December 2024), DKB, headquartered in Berlin, is one of the largest banks in Germany. Founded in 1990, we are a 100% subsidiary of BayernLB. Around 5.8 million people are customers of DKB. Its business activities are primarily concentrated in the Federal Republic of Germany. DKB serves its business customers personally at 26 DKB branches throughout Germany.

Our latest financial reports

Sustainability is our core business

Sustainability is firmly anchored in our core business. Among other things, we finance energy-efficient housing, healthcare facilities and projects in schools and daycare centers - in short: everything that people need to live. We have been providing loans for numerous renewable energy projects in the wind, solar and bioenergy sectors since 1996 and we are one of the largest financiers of renewable energies in Germany.

Windpark Lindenberg der Windprojekte Jan Teut GmbH

Capital market funding to diversify our refinancing structure

In order to strengthen medium and long-term refinancing funds, we have been issuing securities on the capital market for many years. We primarily issue public and mortgage Pfandbriefe in benchmark or private placement format, as well as unsecured bonds in benchmark format. Our Green Bonds are used to refinance wind and solar projects in Germany. With our Social Bonds we refinance lending business that generates social added value.

The volume of outstanding DKB bonds on the capital market through the issuance of public and mortgage Pfandbriefe as well as senior unsecured bonds amounts to around EUR 7.7 billion (as of 31 December 2024). Of this, the volume of outstanding Green and Social Bonds amounts to around EUR 3.8 billion (as of 31 December 2024).

Further information can be found on our Green and Social Bond Programmes website.

DKB AG's ratings

Latest Rating Action 19 March 2024: Moody's upgrades DKB's long-term deposit, issuer and senior preferred ratings from A1 to Aa3 and rates the outlook as stable. The rating upgrade reflects the bank's strengthened solvency, which is supported by a high level of capitalization and significantly improved profitability. The upgrade also considers the bank's sustainable, growing and very granular deposit refinancing. In the update as of 21 February 2025, Moody's confirmed the ratings and left the outlook at stable.

Worth knowing

  • Bayern LB's ratings

    DKB AG is a 100% subsidiary of BayernLB. You will find further information regarding the rating overview of BayernLB here.

  • Base Prospectus

    Are you looking for our base prospectus (only available in German)?

    See our base prospectus
  • Reports

    Are you looking for our annual, half-year or disclosure reports?

    See our reports
  • Sustainable Lending Framework

    What do we define as a sustainable investment? The DKB Sustainable Lending Framework reveals our approach!

    See our Sustainable Lending Framework

Additional information

DKB is an active member of the Association of German Public Banks (VÖB), the Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (vdp), the Banking Association and the AEFMA, for which it pays the corresponding membership subscriptions.